Friday 14 March 2008

Day one of job search

I spent the morning sending emails to various people to see if there was any work going and then headed to Falabella (a department store near here) to buy a mobile phone. So I am now a slave again to my phone. I've only received two calls so far but I need to make some more friends and give them my number. I spent the rest of the day trying to upload a video of penguins but to no avail. It was taking forever so I got impatient and gave up.

I had a bit more luck this evening with work. The hostel where I'm going to move to whilst I'm looking for a place said they might be interested in giving me free board in exchange for 18 hours a week work but we'll see if they've got any jobs going. I'm going there tomorrow. Also another of my dad's friends phoned and said there was a lady interested in me from another group of state schools to teach English so that sounds promising too. I've got to phone her on Monday.

All in all, not too bad. Only one day back in the city and lots of opportunities popping up. Good!

I practised my Spanish as well today by chatting on MSN with an Argentinian friend. So despite the fact that my holiday is over for a bit, everything is running pretty smoothly.

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