Friday 22 February 2008

Castro-day 2-Visit to Chonchi and the National Park

I had a bit of trouble getting to sleep last night as the hosts and the family staying in the room across from me had the communal televisions blaring out loudly until the early hours but I got there eventually. They were watching the Viña del Mar festival which seems to be all that the people of Castro watch!

I met the mini-van taking us on the trip outside the tour company and our jolly guide who didn't stop talking from start to finish and in Castellano I might add. The whole tour was in castellano and all the members of the tour group were Chilenos except one who was Argentinian and another masquerading as a chilena but who was actually German. I only spoke castellano from ten 'til seven thirty-not bad huh?

We visited the church in Chonchi and then the artesania (the first of many) market. Their churches are really something else. You have to go inside for yourself to really get a good idea. I've tried uploading the photos but they don't do justice to the garishness of the idols etc.

We arrived at the national park for lunch and I think I had most of a salmon to myself and then we went for a walk around the national park. The best bit though was the beach but it was five by the time we got there so were only allowed an hour or so. The waves were amazing by the way if not a bit chopped up into pieces so not sure about the surfing conditions. I am proud to say that I took a dip in the pacific (probably one of the most exposed parts too) and yes, it was cold but like the south coast of England.

There were loads young people hitch-hiking and ambling along the road as apparently there is a fiesta de la luna (moon party) yesterday and today at night and they all seemed to be camping out on the beach. Maybe another time for me. That´s on the things to do the next time list along with Torres del Paine.

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